
Zootopian Bunny - VRChat Avatar

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Zootopian Bunny - VRChat Avatar

8 ratings

Meet the next avatar in the Zootopian series: The Bunny! This avatar is a rabbit-like avatar made to resemble a more Zootopia-esque body type and style, with three-toed plantigrade paws and four-fingered hands.

Featuring: 3D modelled eyelashes as a blendshape option, so no more texture stretching for females when the eyes close, and more definition to the chest, for less blocky-looking female blendshapes compared to my older avatars.

This purchase comes with a unitypackage file with a few compiled prefabs, substance painter files, textures, and a .blend.

Also comes with ear control animations in the menu, so you can give yourself lop ears! :D

This avatar also comes with MMD visemes! :D

!!!!NOTE: THIS AVATAR IS NOT REFUNDABLE. This is a DIGITAL product- when you buy it, you gain access to digital files that cannot just be "taken back". You cannot "return" a digital product like you can a physical one. If you force a chargeback, I WILL fight it.

If you are having any technical issues with the avatar, join my avatar Discord and ask for tech help, OR add me on Discord(Tosca#8203) for tech help, rather than immediately assuming that the avatar is "broken" and trying to force a chargeback.

Uses GoGo Loco controllers/menus!




- You may customize this model however you like- you can even make public cloneable avatars with it.

- You may take commissions using this model, however if you're giving files, the other party must have also bought the model. You may also not upload commissioned avatars to the other party's account if they do not own the avatar off of Gumroad, you may only keep it as publicly cloneable on your own account. If a commissioner wants it private, they need to buy the avatar from me.

- Do not give out the model files to anyone that has not already bought and paid for it, for any reason.

- You MAY edit this model and then sell edits as bases for others to use, provided that anyone buying your base has bought the original model in the first place. You may sell mods of this model, but only to people who already own it.

- If you are commissioning someone else for textures for this model, and they do not already own the files, you may ONLY give out the substance file, and the substance file ONLY, for them to texture. If someone is compiling the entire avatar for you, or doing anything besides retextures, they must own it, or you will need to buy it for them.

- Reuploading or reselling this avatar or any of its included files, anywhere, where people can freely access it without paying for it directly from this page, is expressly prohibited. Respect artists, don't pirate our work or redistribute it. I work hard on my avatars and this is, quite literally, my only source of income. I will pursue violators to the fullest extent of the law if caught, because this is my livelihood and I ask for that to be respected.

- By purchasing this avatar, you hereby agree to all of these terms, accepting them as a legally binding agreement.


Join my Discord for model updates, avatar help, avatar mods, WIPs, etc: discord.gg/7bkHRWPSwt

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